Casey Hofland

A package containing extras for the Unity Game Engine. Full of reusable code to create common game mechanics with.
Guidelines for how to use Unity with Git.
Public Unity packages by Casey Hofland. These are self-contained generic systems for use in ANY Unity project.
Snake made in c++.
A demo for the 2Dx conversion system.
Sail across the snow in search of the 3 old gods. Made for the Rindi 48h ChillJam.
It's blockout, but created with Unity Dots.
A steampunk scifi dove game demo showing off 2dx Physics
Pacman without the Maze
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A few C++ projects I made to learn the basics of C++
Follow the Light
Find out how your date thinks about love
Infinite arcade-style Runner made in a day
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My first attempt at ECS
Simon Says in C++